8.11 C&D Test Corrections
Below you will find a link to the 8.11 C&D Assessment that we took on Tuesday, October 6. For those of you who need to make test corrections, the answers are highlighted for each question.
Copy and paste this link into your browser for a PDF version of the test:
Please remember, to receive full credit, you must make corrections for ALL missed questions on a separate sheet of paper. You need to tell me the question number, the reason you missed the question (using the scale below, 1-4), what the correct answer is, and give me reasoning for why that answer is correct (instead of the one you originally chose). You will also need to have a parent signature as well.
Reasons for why you may have missed the question:
1=Test Taking Error (Just made a silly mistake, put the wrong letter, etc.) 2=Clarification Issue (I didn’t understand what the question was asking; certain words were unfamiliar, etc.) 3=Somewhat of an Idea (I was able to narrow down between two answers and wasn’t sure.) 4=Not Enough Information (I just didn’t know the answer; had no clue)
Test corrections for this test (8.11C&D) can be returned through Monday, October 19th. This will be your only test on your progress report for the second six weeks.
I am available for tutoring Wednesday and Thursday morning from 8:00-8:35am, and Wednesday and Thursday afternoon from 4:00-4:30pm.